Do I need to be an AI expert to join the contest?

Your ideas are more than welcome even if you have no specific knowledge of AI.

Can I use ChatGPT or other text generators for my submission?

We do not forbid the use of text generators; however, please have some empathy for the human judges who are volunteering to grade the submissions. It takes a few seconds to generate infinite amounts of text, but our judges do not have infinite amounts of time! Please also be aware that text from generators is rarely original or insightful, and might lower your chances to win.

Can I use other image datasets than iNaturalist or GBIF?

As long as the dataset is publicly available online, free to use, focuses on pictures of living organisms, and contains more than 200,000 data points, you may use a dataset of your choice.

Do I need to register as an iNaturalist user to participate in the contest?

No, you do not need to register as an iNaturalist user to participate in this contest.